E2 Available Worldwide – Pre-orders Open in the US
Raise3D is extending worldwide the release of the E2, an innovative 3D printer at the entry-level of the industrial range. Pre-orders are now open in the U.S.
The E2 is designed to meet industry grade quality, while still being easy to use for all users. The combination of high-quality components with the latest technology allows precise prints and cost-efficient production of end-use parts.
Key Features of the E2:
- Independent Dual Extruders (IDEX)
- Auto-bed leveling
- Intelligent leveling focusing on the printing area
- Built-in offset calibration guides
- Automatic pause if the front door is opened
- Power save mode
- Flexible build plate
- Enhanced performance with flexible filaments
- and several more innovative improvements
Raise3D Ecosystem
E2 is optimized to connect seamlessly with ideaMaker, for slicing and monitoring your printer’s work in real-time, and RaiseCloud, to remotely manage your production with multiple printers. To improve user experience, the Open Filament Program (OFP) is also releasing the ideal settings for third-party filaments, in a never-ending list.
Email us at inquiry@raise3d.com.my if you have a specific need or want to know more about Raise3D Ecosystem.